
Traitors and Human Trafficking

With our Federal government now fully weaponized against us, keeping the pressure on our County representatives to stand in the gap is critical

The St. Croix County board has been under pressure to join Chippewa and Barron Counties in taking a pubic position to reject the State Department’s forced “refugee” resettlement efforts that are under way in Western Wisconsin. Federal contractor Volunteer Agency World Relief, has quietly established an office in Eau Claire, from which they are authorized to start relocating trafficked “refugees” within a 100 mile radius, all at taxpayer expense.

After intense public pressure calling for the St. Croix County Board to pass a resolution publicly stating its opposition to the underhanded tactics used by World Relief, the Board included a presentation by the State Refugee resettlement office on its agenda for their March 5th, 2024 meeting of the full board.

The bureaucrat from the resettlement office presented a view of these efforts as being nothing more than meticulously curated, benevolent, humanitarian efforts done for the betterment of society as a whole, when the stark reality of this issue couldn’t be more opposite.

In this 25 minute podcast, I show the realities of the multi-billion dollar, government sanctioned, human trafficking industry, the goal of which is a long term, fundamental transformation of our Constitutional Republic into an authoritarian, global socialist, dictatorship.

It is imperative that We the People assert our responsibility to control our local governments, and stand up against the State and Federal efforts to “fundamentally transform America”.

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